克己週間募金とは? What is the Self-Denial Appeal?


The name is derived from the fasting (Self-Denial) on the “Lent”, which recalls the Passion of Christ.
The Salvation Army is asking for donations to support its overseas work by giving up one meal and Salvation Army members ask for the cooperation of the wider community and ask for donations.

春の募金のお願い Fundraising in the Spring

2023克己週間募金 Self-Denial Appeal 2023

期 間


March 1-15, 2023

Terima Kazih. ありがとう!

インドネシアにおける救世軍の活動 The Salvation Army in Indonesia


The Salvation Army is called “Bala Keselamatan” in Indonesian.
The Salvation Army began its work in 1894 and has been serving the needs of people in various parts of Indonesia, a vast island nation, mainly through school education and medical care.
Indonesia, which is prone to natural disasters such as typhoons, earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions, is in great need of help.

  • 学校108か所(生徒数8,671人)、学生宿舎6か所(利用者136人)。108 Schools (8,671 students), 6 Student Dormitories (136 students).
  • 医科大学2か所(学生数600人)、看護学校2か所(生徒数575人)、高齢者介護施設3か所(入所者数210人)。2 Medical Colleges (600 students), 2 Nursing Schools(575 students), 3 Elderly Care Facilities (210 residents).
  • 診療所15か所、産院1か所、総合病院5か所(入院患者数429人)。15 Clinics, 1 Maternity Hospital, 5 General Hospitals.
  • 児童養護施設14か所(児童数1,130人)。14 Children's Homes (1,130 children).
  • スラウェシ島地震 Sulawesi Earthquake


    The earthquake occurred in 2018, caused extensive liquefaction and tsunami damage, killing more than 4,000 people and leaving tens of thousands homeless. The Salvation Army's Corps (churches), hospitals, and other facilities were also severely damaged, and the arrival of personnel from nursing schools who were scheduled to work at care facilities in Japan was delayed until last year, when it finally happened. The impact of the earthquake remains significant, and The Salvation Army continues to provide ongoing support.

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